Township Information

  • Population: 731
  • Area: 35.61444 Square Miles
  • Minor Civil Division: 2711123840
  • Incorporated Cities: None
  • Commissioners District: 4
  • Major Lakes: Beauty Shore, East Battle, Emma, Ethel, Mason, Tamarack
  • T133N – R39W

Fire, Rescue and Ambulance

DIAL 911 – They know who to send

By contract, Girard is 100% covered by Henning Ambulance Service

Girard has Fire Contracts with Henning, Vining and Battle Lake Fire Departments

Snow Removal Policy

Reminder:  It is unlawful for anyone to deposit any snow or ice in a public road right-of-way or to otherwise obstruct a public road. Depositing snow or ice in a road also increases snowplowing costs, creates a potential public safety hazard, and could damage equipment.

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